
A Brief Return [part the second]

And now. . . some more of the same:

Camel of Famine
Cougar of Lasciviousness
Bear of Economic Stability
Dung Beetle of Awareness
Walrus of Drug Abuse
Duogong of Molestation
Tiger of Apathy
Trout of Amnesty
Barracuda of Blasphemy
Giraffe of Timidity
Lion of Loneliness
Hyena of Tears
Llama of Cleanliness
Tyrannosaurus Rex of Masturbation
Antelope of Narcissism
Mute Swan of Karaoke
Raccoon of Sanitary Practices
Moose of Long-term Relationships
Titmouse of Christianity
Mosquito of Alcoholism
Dragonfly of Guilt
Muskrat of Spite
Mammoth of Massive Disappointment
Centipede of Paralysis
Mongoose of Space Travel
Cobra of Self-worth
Flying Squirrel of Depravity
Cicada of Silence
Groundhog of Infertility
Face of Boe
Kangaroo of Cautiousness
Otter of Super AIDS
Hedgehog of Influence
Venus Flytrap of Creativity
Mole of Voraciousness
Seagull of Charity
Hamster of Godliness
Cockatiel of Musicality
Porcupine of Personal Grooming
Crane of Archery
Ocelot of Oscillation
Meerkat of Suerty
Rhinoceros of Poor Fashion Sense


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A Brief Return [part the first]

Soon I will return, in glory and with witticisms and insights galore. But for now, this is offered without explanation.

Panda of Sadness
Robot of Insecurity
Dragon of Jealousy
Koala of Anger
Wasp of Generosity
Kitten of Wrath
Armadillo of Intimacy
Sasquatch of Male-Pattern Baldness
Wolf of Brevity
Possum of Vivacity
Shark of Shyness
Sloth of Effervescence
Wolverine of Tranquility
Spider monkey of Staidness
Diplodocus of Insanity (the Cliffs of)
Gnu of Narcolepsy
Octopus of Denial
Falcon of Acceptance
Nautilus of Nincompoopery
Sugar Glider of Solidarity
Bat of Diurnalism
David Tennant of Supremeness
Owl of Racism
Bunny of Bad Behaviour
Vole of Sexual Harrassment
Puppy of Depression
Penguin of Agility
Ninja of Contrition
Platypus of Equality
Echidna of Bootyliciousness Sodomy
Badger of Premonition
Flamingo of Toxicity
Albatross of Pestilence
Clam of Calamity
Tuna of Turning/Dexterity
Slug of Tumescence
Turtle of Moistness

more tomorrow!

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