
All glory.

I've been watching a lot of Simpsons and Futurama on DVD the past month or so, and I have established that the greatest character on either show is

The Hypnotoad.

He is a toad who hypnotizes people to do its bidding. And all it seems to do in its appearances on Futurama is: A) win a dog/assorted pet show, and B) star in a tv show called "Everyone Loves the Hypnotoad."

This, my friends, is GENIUS.

Anyway, in other news, I have (since my last entry) seen X-men 3 and Nacho Libre. The less said of X3 the better, since I don't think there's enough bandwidth on the Blogger servers to cover the length of the rant I would unleash about that pile of shite if I wanted to. But quite frankly, I don't have the energy and there's not enough time in the day to waste on it. Nacho Libre, on the other hand, is a concise piece of entertainment. While not quite the greatest motion picture ever conceived that I claimed when I first heard of it, the movie is sweet, and definitely in the same vein as Napoleon Dynamite, the director's previous film. (Though I still believe Jack Black as a Mexican wrestling friar is a genius concept.) It left me with a slight smile and warm feelings, and really, isn't that enough? Not every movie needs to change the world, nor be a huge blowout of epic proportions.

SO yes. I am currently: listening to the Decemberists, watching Futurama and Arrested Development, and reading The Baroque Cycle and Watchmen. As should all of you. And if you disagree, just remember

Grant Morrison is watching you.

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Blogger Jay V Mail! said...

um . . . you didn't thoroughly enjoy the bad wire-stunts and death of cyclops?!

i haven't seen nacho. i don't plan to until DVD time.

And that Hypnotoad is scaring me. Into doing its bidding.

12:57 PM  
Blogger Jay V Mail! said...

did you ever watch my JayVidcast #4? You're in it!

12:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey i got one you might be interested in reading. it's called the wasteland blog and my buddy writes all this entertainment-news-related crap
wasteland blog at blogspot.com got it?

10:30 AM  

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