
burst and bloom

I rarely write in here anymore without a specific agenda to it, be it movie review/analysis, short fiction, and what-have-you. But I have nothing on my mind (in a grand operatic sense, anyway), and the piece I'm working on about The Fountain is as yet unfinished. And I feel like, since I've reopened this avenue for my written discoursing (SIDEBAR: FUCK Writerscafe.org. TWO YEARS of my fiction and poetic writing GONE bc of a database fuck-up, a lot of the poems which I hadn't saved elsewhere, and I'm just supposed to shrug, say "Oh well," and gloss over it? FUCK YOU. SIDEBAR OVER), I should write something in here, if not on a regular schedule, at least somewhat regularly. (more on this in a bit) Hence, this random scattershot of whatever crosses my transom. Also, there will be random pictures. And pie.*

Not to say, with all that, that I have NO idea what I'm doing. I have some things I'd like to talk about, but most are either very vague statements, or things I'm saving for the future when I can write more in-depth and look like I'm using some segment of intellect about it. Which is what causes the long breaks in-between posts of consequence. The former name of the blog was "Hooray for the Madness! We are better by Design!"**, but that was not entirely true, as the "design", if it could be said to have any, was pointed more towards sparsity of information and occasional thoughts of "Huh, I haven't written anything in a while. Oh well." The current name of "We Laugh at Catastrophe. (we're random but we like it that way)" is much more appropriate, I feel, for both the frequency and the varying subjects of the posts. If there were other writers, I would probably feel better about this, but y'know, it's hard enough motivating myself to do anything other than read long books about piracy and currency or graphic novels about superspies and tits.

So yeah, here's a post about nothing. Well, not literally nothing, not in the nihilistic sense. Or in the Seinfeldian sense of purposefully without purpose. But whatever. I'm sitting here, at 1 or so in the morning on a Wednesday. The television is on behind me, prattling on and on about the current elections (or primaries, as it were), about which I am currently caring less and less each day, as I find most of the people running reprehensible, annoying, or just plain insane. Ok, I like one candidate, but being the eternal cynic, feel there's no chance in hell he'll win in the long run. BUT WAIT, that is a sentence (or two) about something. Have I already defeated my self-described purpose in writing this? No, because THIS IS Sparta MY BLOG AND I CAN DO WHAT I WANT.

UGH, I think of things I want to put in here all day, and now when the moment comes my mind is gazing wanfully out of its tower waiting for a prince to ride up on a horse and rescue it. I think I've fulfilled my purpose in doing this anyway. AND NOW, to BUSINESS: I plan on enacting a very loose sort of schedule here. Wednesday will now henceforth be COMICS I AM BUYING THIS WEEK DAY, wherein I will mention the paltry few titles I will be picking up at my local comic/graphic novel conveyor. Friday will be VIDEO DAY, wherein I will post a video, either one I was personally involved with, or not, and maybe with a bit of commentary about it. We'll see how this works out, if I can keep my own schedule or if I will be damned to flounder at even this small task. Tune in tomorrow, Rocketeers!

* There is no pie.

** Actually, the ORIGINAL name was "Bigger Than Jesus", but the less said of that, the better.

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